Project Padhai by Bits & Bytes

A credit-based educational platform that serves as a medium for every individual to become a teacher as well as a student, comprising of hand-picked courses, quizzes, webinars, and discussion forums.

Created on 11th October 2020


Project Padhai by Bits & Bytes

A credit-based educational platform that serves as a medium for every individual to become a teacher as well as a student, comprising of hand-picked courses, quizzes, webinars, and discussion forums.

The problem Project Padhai by Bits & Bytes solves

This platform is an all-in-one place for all your educational needs, we have top class lectures with quizzes after each module, webinars to be hosted every month so that our student will remain updated with the transformation in their fields taking place each day, exclusive discussion forums that will leave no-doubt untackled and a very encouraging credit system which will not only encourage them to do well but also reduce the price of courses and help them study without thinking about money.
With the increase of online education platforms, the quality is degrading day by day, companies are producing quantity rather than focusing on the quality of content they produce, there is no place where we can get all courses at one place if we get then there is no guarantee that will it be best for us or not...as each student is different in their own way so is their way of approach and hence, one course cannot do justice for all students, there are no roadmaps, students need to go at tons of places before choosing a course, which wastes a lot of time, we here at bits & bytes have tackled all such problems and are presenting to you a one-stop for all your problems.

Challenges we ran into

I had struggled with firebase, finding the right video content currently we just uploaded video lectures from youtube but soon we will be featuring all newly made videos only available on this site.


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