Project Bon-Appetit

Project Bon-Appetit

Where Hunger Stops

The problem Project Bon-Appetit solves

Bon Appetit is a small initiative trying to solve the problems of food wastage and hunger by providing a platform that connects people with excess food or people who are willing to contribute food to Non-Profit-Organizations.

eople who are willing to donate food have said to have faced the following problems

  • They do not know many organizations who accepts food donations.
  • They do not know how to find a nearby organization.
  • Transportation difficulties.

Our platform aims to solve all these problems by

  • Making the nearby NGO's visible to all.
  • The people can create requests on how much availabe food they have and the organizations can accept it.
  • Delivery is also done by volunteers. (Or using other delivery partners)
  • Organizations can create request on how much food they need.
  • Top Contributers get their name on the leaderboard.

Challenges we ran into

Couldn’t upload images from the front end (react). There were multiple roadblocks while integrating the client with the server
