Project आशा

Project आशा

Bringing Hope to Heartbroken Families: The Missing Persons Tracker

The problem Project आशा solves

Our website helps people find missing children and provides mental health guidance during this difficult time can solve several problems faced by families and communities.
We can help thme in following ways:
AI regenerative image: With the help of image uploaded we can generate how the missing child may look after few years. So the child can be recognizable.
Reuniting families: The website can play a crucial role in reuniting missing children with their families, providing them with a sense of closure and peace.
Mental health support: The disappearance of a child can be a traumatic experience for the family, and the uncertainty of their whereabouts can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression. The website can provide mental health guidance and resources to help families cope with this difficult time.
Improving communication: The website can provide a platform for families to communicate with law enforcement agencies and other organizations that are working to find the missing child. This improved communication can lead to a more efficient and effective search process.
Raising awareness: The website can also raise awareness about the issue of missing children, encouraging the public to be vigilant and to report any sightings of missing children.
Providing resources: Our website can provide families with a range of resources, such as tips for searching for missing children, information about local organizations that can help, and support groups for families of missing children.

In short our website will help people find missing children and provides mental health guidance during this difficult time can solve several problems faced by families and communities, including reuniting families, improving mental health support, improving communication, raising awareness, and providing resources.

Challenges we ran into

Due to some issues we are not able to integrate the AI Model with our front end. In python file the AI model is runninng. #-4 hours back the AI was giving output in the front end but now the file is not responidng. We also connected the the photo users were submitting on the google drive which was directly taking to the AI model and thus the model could have generated the image.

Tracks Applied (2)

Social Cause

A website that helps people find missing children can be a great social cause as it addresses a critical problem in soci...Read More

Sustainable Development Goals

Our website can help people find missing persons can be part of the SDGs by contributing to the achievement of several o...Read More
