Problem: A typical business owner is unable to produce many sales as he/she is supposed to.
Solution: The aim is to build a predictive model and find out the sales of each product at a particular store. Using this model, We will try to understand the properties of products and stores which play a key role in increasing sales.
--Major challenges faced were related to integrating various tech stacks together. Integrating the machine learning model with the flask web app was a moderately tricky task.
--Sometimes we found ourselves fighting the urge to give up but we roughed it out throughout the night and came up with something presentable/functional.
--We plan to implement Price change suggestions later on as we could not accommodate it this time. Also we plan on using better tuned and complex machine learning algorithms to drastically increase accuracy.
--Also we have started the process for deployment of the Web-app on azure but due to time constraint could not complete it.