We found many coding articles on different web pages but some are not up to the point while some are very hard to read and understand and there is not a combined platform where projects articles from every domain like Robotics, Arduino, Programming and rest all is found. Nowadays, college students do read different topics in different books which are in thousands of pages. they can make their own notes, which will help them in their exams and after them, it will help their juniors and other students. So, our web app provides user functionality to describe their projects, articles and research papers with the help of very simple and easy rich text editor. User can upload images, videos and codes in very simple manner and according to their style. The posts created by the user can be shared on LinkedIn, Whatsapp, Twitter and Facebook with links. The readers can clarify their doubts with the forums provided with each posts. Login and SignUp functionality is provided with google. Searching and tagging system is also provided to filter out the posts according to the readers interest.
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