Private Voting using Tornado Cash

Private Voting using Tornado Cash

Tornado Cash provides anonimity of users, their balance and the transaction. We are extending these features to Private Voting by using the same zero knowledge primitives to ensure a fair voting.

The problem Private Voting using Tornado Cash solves

Democracy is popular sovereignty. At its heart it is the concept of the population choosing the government through regular free and fair elections.
However, it is not always the case. Manipulations can happen at different stages of the Voting process. At the same time; Privacy is cornerstone for a good democracy and its voting process.
In the web3 world,
Onchain and Offchain (Snapshot) voting in the DAO structure are completely transparent due to the nature of public blockchain and therefore reveals the identity of the voter, their votes and also their voting power.

Challenges we ran into

we ran into quite a few challenges, also becuase this was the first time we forked Tornado Cash code and wanted to build on top ot it. We were successfully able to write the additional smart contract to create a new Voting, Add Votes, Create Ballot and then Vote. The code also emits events to display the final outcome of the voting.
Issue faced - In setting up and running Hardhat...versions issues and pre-requisites setting. Some dependencies are not supported now.
Not able to call the contract from the CLI ; we were able to run it from our local but we were not successful to run it on Mumbai

Tracks Applied (3)

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Ethereum Foundation Track

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Ethereum Foundation

Alliance Track

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