Privacy oriented off-chain & on-chain analytics

Privacy oriented off-chain & on-chain analytics

For Web3 apps - collect off-chain product analytics data and analyse it together with on-chain data. For Web3 users - help your service to improve while keeping on privacy.

Created on 18th September 2022

Privacy oriented off-chain & on-chain analytics

Privacy oriented off-chain & on-chain analytics

For Web3 apps - collect off-chain product analytics data and analyse it together with on-chain data. For Web3 users - help your service to improve while keeping on privacy.

The problem Privacy oriented off-chain & on-chain analytics solves

Web3 apps focused on privacy having lack of off-chain usage data to make data-driven decisions and improve their product.
Loyal users are willing to help to improve products they love, but care about their privacy and if their data could be compromised.

Challenges we ran into

Collecting analytics is an important criterion to improve the experience. But with great analytics comes great reponsbilites. Web3 users care carrying for their privacy thus they care about what data they share and where the data is stored. We decided to allow the user to upload their usage data into IPFS and then share it with the product.

To allow that we've to build a client-side library that Products can integrate into their Off Chain apps. Users can decide if they are willing to share and when they are willing to share their usage data.

Technologies used


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