Pride Campus

Pride Campus

Spreading awareness about the LGBTQ+ Community. 🌈

Created on 26th June 2022

Pride Campus

Pride Campus

Spreading awareness about the LGBTQ+ Community. 🌈

The problem Pride Campus solves

We often wanted to explore Discord APIs as well since me and my teammates use Discord daily and being active in several communities has made us realise how important it is to tell new members how a community is built upon inclusive and diverse nature and that we should respect one's space around us whether we are in online or in offline mode. We ourselves took a long time to understand hence decided to make a bot which aware people about the same.

What it does do?

It responds to slash commands which are in the Features section. 😮


How do we build it?

  • Falguni did UI/UX part along with functionalities using Discord.js and Postman Mock API. 🤞🏻
  • Aniruddha did the NLP part powered by Co:here AI with which the bot is gonna interact. 🤯

Accomplishments that we're proud of:

We are now debugging gangsta.

What did we learn?

Learnt a new stack and adapted it fully and quickly.

What's next for Pride Campus?

As there were no API related to STEM opportunities specific to the LGBTQ+ community, we used Postman Mock API for the same and if we can then we are planning to maintain a database for real job opportunities for LGBTQ+ community and update it from time to time.

Challenges we ran into

From 'Application not responding to Deployment', we have understood how important every single line of code is.


List of commands are some of the features we have implemented over this discord bot which are as follows:

  • /aboutpride: Replies with meaning & origin of LGBTQ+! 🤓
  • /aboutus: Replies with bot's purpose! 🤓
  • /communities: Replies with LGBTQ+ related communities! 🏡
  • /hashtag: Replies with a hashtag related to the input! 🔊
  • /help: Replies with the list of commands! 🔍
  • /ping: Replies with pong! 🏓
  • /random: Replies with a fact! 📝
  • /stemopportunities: Replies with the list of Stem Opportunities! 🔍
  • /whypronoun: Replies with the importance of pronoun! 💻




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