In this pandemic situation, all the companies are recruiting the best candidates which are creating a lot of pressure on students. The initial rounds are conducted online and students are lacking guidance, so not able to decide which resource is the best for the preparation because everything is scattered over the internet. Here comes PrepEasy, the one-stop solution to this problem.. Our app is a platform where a student can find important questions of different topics that are being asked in the interview rounds such as Technical, Logical, etc. Along with the questionnaire, we have provided a Favorite section where ze can bookmark the question ze feels is important, for future reference. Also, it has a notes area where ze can easily make notes and have all the key points noted in one place. Another feature of our app is the test section, where ze can analyze ze's skills and check where ze stands.
Making the app was not really easy for us as it was our first big Flutter project. We face a number of difficulties but where we stuck the most is in the test section. We were not able to add the timer feature and after trying many modules, we finally used the Async module. Also, the Favorite section was a bit tough because when we bookmarked a question, all the remaining questions were automatically bookmarked. Though in the end, we are able to figure out all the problems, and our app is completely responsive.
Technologies used