
You take care of your baby we will take care of your documents. 📜

The problem Prega.io solves

During the time of pregnany moms need to take care of her and also a lot of documents like - prescriptions, reports and they also need to remember a lot of things like medicine updates, allergies (they might have), things what to do and what not do. And it becomes a lot hectic.

Also for every doctor visit they need to take a lot of previous reports, prescriptions and all other stuff. And there is no easy way of sharing them with doctor.

We have seen this problem and identified there is nothing in the market which specifically handles this situation. And it's our mother for whom we are here. So, why not build something which can solve a big problem for them.


Let's understand what is prega.io by it's functionalities âš¡

  1. Store all events and any updates of your pregnancy time!
  2. Attach PDF's, images with every event and update.
  3. Filter and esily find documents in a bunch of documents.
  4. Make mom's profile which includes only the important data required during pregancy.
    5 . Share events, updates and documents with a single click.
  5. Share your profile with all public documents with doctor or your loved ones in a few clicks.
  6. Prevent your private documents from accident sharing just by a single click.
  7. Take your privacy to next level by expireable profile links which you can build in just a few clicks.

Challenges we ran into

There are multiple things we got stuck and though it would not be possible and felt hopeless. But I am listing down some of them.

Building the filter functionality in the web version
We have planed to implement a nested filter functionality and that was one of the hardest thing to do. It took us almost 4 - 5 hour just to implement the nested filter.

Setting up Cloud Tasks
None of us used cloud tasks before so we had zero idea how to do that. Basically while building the expirable link system, the architecture we came up with that on every share a cloud function will make an instance of the Mom's data with along with all order and filters. And also setup a cloud task to delete that after sometime (Basically what user chooses).

And after that time the cloud task will trigger a delete function which will delete the document.

This whole thing is the hardest thing we have done in this 48 hours.

Flutter Error
The amount of error we ran into while building the Flutter App is just insane. Also a lot of time problem.

But above of all we learnt a hell lot of new things, while building this!
