Prashnn Bank

Prashnn Bank

To be able to graduate to objective type questions for one semester of online board exams, a question bank of at least 5000 questions will be required for each subject.

Created on 19th November 2022

Prashnn Bank

Prashnn Bank

To be able to graduate to objective type questions for one semester of online board exams, a question bank of at least 5000 questions will be required for each subject.

The problem Prashnn Bank solves

As we all know setting question papers for the board exams is not an easy task. The following are the drawbacks of the existing board paper setting system:

It takes a lot of time to manually find and add questions to the question papers of each subject which leads to a prolonged process.
Another drawback to the existing way is that it requires manpower and unnecessary storage space for the management of previously generated question papers, which is difficult in the longer run.
Also, Due to the changing environment of examinations in the light of ongoing events, there emerged a need to develop multiple question papers for a single academic year.
We decided to build to work on this problem statemnet to overcome these drawbacks and make examination system better in India.

Challenges we ran into

To be able to graduate to objective type questions for one semester of online board exams, a question bank of at least 5000 questions will be required for each subject. Setting question papers for the exams is a complicated task. Can you think of a Crowd Sourcing model where questions are set by large number of anonymous stakeholders thereby creating a large question bank? These questions can be vetted by experts before freezing the same in the question bank. The actual question paper can be set through an automated system.

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