
A pothole detector and path planner, catered to your need for an efficient means of travel

The problem Potholinator solves

Traffic on the road is not the only obstacle people face these days for a rather pleasant travel exprience. The problems range from roads being flooded and jammed, to being riddled with potholes and speedbreakers which make the journey rather unplesasant. Potholinator, as we call it solves the issue of your journey being hindered by potholes. This way, you can eschew the roads and paths which have the most amount of potholes from source to destination and inturn account for a rather pleasant journey.

Challenges we ran into

The project and idea was a challange to begin with, as we had little to no datasets that directly corresponded to the location of potholes in terms of latitude and longitude. So our first challange was data collection. Moving ahead, as we created an API for the process, the extraction and analysis of data from the API was also a task. After a few tweaks and changes, we finally got it down to a working condition. Next, probably the most daunting task in the entire process was path planning and creating an efficient methodology to make sure that we had the optimum method for giving the most suitable route to the user from source to destination. After a lot of sessions of brainstorming, we ended up deciding on using the fabled Dijkstra algorithm for the process. At the end we had few issues with integrating the front end with the back end which was solved after a few changes.

Technologies used
