Why buy a book? When you can POOLaBOOK!

Created on 13th March 2022



Why buy a book? When you can POOLaBOOK!

The problem POOLaBOOK solves

Whenever someone mentions study or university,the first thing that comes to our mind is a book. For college Students, buying and carrying new books every semester is pestering and expensive.Although pdf’s are available on several platforms but studying through pdf’s is disconnecting and somewhat fails to establish a student book relationship. Therefore, we are proposing a website called “POOLaBOOK” where students of a particular university can login into and list all the books they have and are willing to lend. Now every time someone needs a Book , they can search for it on the website and they will directly be connected to the lender.

Challenges we ran into

Gitbash was'nt working properly.


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