
The NFT marketplace for the next decade

The problem PolyPlace solves

PolyPlace, an NFT marketplace built using NextJs for the front-end, Polygon chain and IPFS (Inter Planetary File System) to store the NFT images. So you might be thinking, why an NFT marketplace and why on Polygon, well that’s easy to answer because transactions on Polygon are 10x faster and 10x cheaper than Ethereum mainnet.

NFTs give people a sense of belonging that we all as humans long for, NFTs have proven to be a nice and easy launching pad for web2 people to embark on their inevitable web3 journey(onboard). Hundreds of thousands of people not native to the crypto community have been drawn to this space solely due to the pull NFT have in this era

The application of NFT isn't limited to just owning and trading digital assets, they are currently revolutionising the gaming industry, would you have imagined owning land in the metaverse, building castles upon that said digital real estate, hosting events and inviting people to those events?? I can only speak for myself and I definitely didn't, the world is changing before our eyes, let's embrace it

Challenges I ran into

The last two days have been a wild ride, from changing my project thrice to screaming out of frustration. The most annoying bug I faced was the smallest one. Was getting import errors while importing openzeppelin contracts from the node_modules. Like, who gets error on the very first step. Searched for hours and after visiting hundreds of forums somewhere In the trenches one guy suggested resetting the Solidity VSCode extension and dragging the OpenZeppelin folder from the node_modules to the Contracts folder. AND THAT WORKED, you can't even begin to imagine the relief I felt. Bugs showed up after this too, but once you know how to not give up through the stupidest bugs, the rest of the ride becomes smooth!
