Current voting systems like ballot box voting or electronic voting suffer from various security threats such as DDoS attacks, polling booth capturing, vote alteration and manipulation, malware attacks, etc, and also require huge amounts of paperwork, human resources, and time. This creates a sense of distrust among existing systems.
Some of the disadvantages are:
Long Queues during elections.
Security Breaches like data leaks, and vote tampering.
A lot of paperwork is involved, hence less eco-friendly and time-consuming.
Difficult for differently-abled voters to reach the polling booth.
The cost of expenditure on elections is high.
Suppose one of us is an eligible voter who goes to the polling booth and casts votes using EVM (Electronic Voting Machine). But since it’s circuitry after all and if someone tampers with a microchip, He/she may never know that your vote reaches to person for whom you voted or was diverted into another candidate’s account. Since there’s no tracing back your vote. But, if we use blockchain- it stores everything as a transaction, hence giving us a receipt of your vote (in a form of a transaction ID) and you can use it to ensure that your vote has been counted securely.
To avoid all these security breaches, paperwork, long queues, and tampering from microchips. We have created a "Polygon-based Decentralized Voting Application". Which is working with the wallet "Meta Mask". Whenever a user will open the website to vote it will automatically detect a meta mask and it will ask the user to give permission to connect with the wallet. If the user allows the permission, it will detect the wallet address and it will be automatically get displayed on the website. He/she can vote one time. After taking a vote from the user, the application will automatically disable the vote button and the result will be displayed on the website. It will basically store the vote as a transaction. And user can check their vote status from their wallet address.
We are working on to make our application more user friendly.
Technologies used