Poll Booth

A decentralized polls on Ethereum blockchain. The website has a frontend that has no server and communicates directly with the blockchain through Metamask and Ganache.

The problem Poll Booth solves

Nowadays, in any organization especially colleges, people have to take votes for the assignments and quiz related things for delaying the deadline or for help. Creating Google forms was great trouble. Looking into it, I created this website to ease working and reducing time for our professors, classmates, or any organization.

Challenges I ran into

The main challenge was Blockchain. It was new to me. This is my first ever blockchain use website. I'd to dive deep into Blockchain to know how it works, its ide, programming language, about Ethereum, how to use it, how to collaborate with it in this project. Learning Solidity, Vyper(though I'd not used), Metamask, knowing Ganache, working with all of them for the website backend, communicating these with Angular and Web3 are the notable hurdles for me.
The main hurdle I have gone with is the deployment of Sol in the Remix IDE. Looking for the remix terms that was hella knew for me and the functioning of the functions were also some of the difficulties.
