PoL.bot Oracle

PoL.bot Oracle

Proof of Location Oracle on Hedera Smart Contract Service

Built at ETHDenver 2024

The problem PoL.bot Oracle solves

GPS coordinates can be spoofed. The PoL.bot oracle solves that problem by using LoraWAN gateways to verify the presense of a sensor at a point in time. Gateways prove their coverage to eachother. Tracking sensors beacon to the gateways. Therefore, a sensor must be within range of a gateway for the gateway to have received the beacon, verifying the sensor's presence near the gateway. The gateways forward the beacons to my oracle, which records the proof of the device's location data on the ledger.

Challenges I ran into

I have been learning Ruby on Rails, which is the language I used for this project. It was a major challenge to integrate Rails with Hedera, considering there isn't a Ruby SDK library for Hedera. Although, I am thinking I might make one as a community project. I also learned JavaScript in order to create and deploy the Smart Contract on Hedera with the assistance of the Hedera documentation. I also used the Hedera Go SDK, so that my Ruby on Rails controller could directly call into the Go SDK by compiling it as a shared library and binding to the compiled C/Go functions via the Ruby FFI.

Tracks Applied (2)

Hedera Bounty 3 - Exceptional Ecosystem Integration

With proof of location written to the ledger via my oracle, anyone can now write smart contracts to take actions based o...Read More


Hedera BUIDLers Challenge: Imagine, Create, Hello Future

My project uses Hedera Smart Contract Service to store proof of location data in state. The state is queryable via the f...Read More


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