

Smart Contract based game marketplace example

The problem Pokemonzilla solves

Problems Solved

  • Minimises the need for a backend in order to setup simple functions like in game item store.
  • The data for listed items is stored in a Smart Contract on the Concordium blockchain, which makes the data publicly accessible.
  • Since the item ownership data lives on the Concordium blockchain, it will remain there forever as long as the nodes are running.
  • Developers can use cross inter game items through the blockchain which can make games even more fun to play.

Problems we intend to solve in the future

(Which we could not work on during the hackathon due to time constraints)

  • Not everyone is a blockchain developer or know rust. So we want to build a backend (using appwrite) which will let the game developers integrate concordium smart contract functions in their games, just by using standard web API calls. The devs will be able to call our API and invokethe smart contract functions. This also solves another issue that is the concordium sdk is not available for every language, so if contracts can be used through API calls, it becomes accessible to a vast number of languages.

Challenges we ran into

  • It was our first time working in rust and we had a busy time learning and working with rustup, cargo and rust syntax. While it was a new concept, we're happy that we were able to create a working Smart Contract with it.
  • We faced an issue with deserialising the return data from a receive function, while invoking the deployed smart contract from the frontend, even though it works from concordium cli client. Still working on this issue 😂
