

Transforming Land Ownership with Transparency, Security, and Decentralization

Created on 8th December 2024



Transforming Land Ownership with Transparency, Security, and Decentralization

The problem PlotChain solves

PlotChain: Addressing Key Challenges in Land Ownership

The Challenges We Solve

1. Land Ownership Fraud

  • Eliminates duplicate ownership claims and document forgery by using immutable blockchain records.

2. Lack of Transparency

  • Streamlines land registration and transaction processes with publicly auditable blockchain data.

3. Corruption in Land Approvals

  • Reduces bribery and manipulation by integrating a decentralized government approval layer.

4. Inefficient Record Keeping

  • Replaces fragile, paper-based systems with secure, digital, and tamper-proof records.

5. Encroachment and Land Mafia Activity

  • Deters illegal land possession and sales through transparent, traceable transactions.

Challenges we ran into

Challenges Faced During Development

1. Smart Contract Integration with TypeScript

  • Initially, integrating smart contracts into the TypeScript-based application was challenging.
  • Tried multiple tools and libraries, including ethers, wagmi, and vue.
  • Finally achieved successful integration using thirdweb, which streamlined the process.

2. Handling Polygon Mapping

  • Mapping the correct coordinates onto the in-built layer was a significant hurdle.
  • Ensuring precise alignment of the polygonal boundaries with the existing mapping layers required extensive debugging and adjustments.

3. Accurate Area Calculation

  • Calculating the area with the most accurate coordinates posed a technical challenge.
  • Required precision algorithms and thorough testing to ensure accurate and reliable area computations for land plots.

Additional Features

Despite facing multiple challenges, the entire suite of features for PlotChain was successfully developed and integrated during the hackathon. The team overcame difficulties in smart contract integration by experimenting with various tools, ultimately achieving success using thirdweb. Polygon mapping posed a significant challenge, but the team was able to precisely align land coordinates with the in-built mapping layers. In addition, accurate area calculation was implemented using advanced algorithms to ensure reliable data for land management. Ultimately, all key features—such as the interactive 3D map, NFT minting, marketplace integration, and a government approval layer for secure transactions—were delivered, showcasing the team’s ability to innovate and problem-solve under tight time constraints.

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