Created on 5th September 2020
It solves the problems that are currently going on the Argicultural sector,some farmers have more experince to find the diseases that occur on the plants, but toady more number of youngsters are going to the Argicultural fields, so he have no experience and new to this condition, when ever the disease attacks the plants, they don't to recognize which kind of attack is ,how to solve? so many questions are facing by these new persons to this field.Finally, we solve this problem, by making a Mobile that works machine learning based on the Tensorflow model. It shows the disease of the plant, by simply taking the picture of the plant.
Our challenge is ,Overfitting and Validation Accuracy , first we train the model using very less datasets, so it leads to the Overfitting , then we solve this issue by making large dataset collect from Kaggle.
Another problem is Validation Accuracy ,Because due the model we trainned, to solve we use the CNN and increase the epochs.
Technologies used