Plane Rush

Plane Rush is a game based on NFTs that runs on the Polygon network in the Ethereum blockchain and is powered by decentralized Chainlink Oracles.

The problem Plane Rush solves

Compared to other NFT platforms, our platform incentivizes the users to buy the NFTs with a better airspeed. Higher the airspeed of the Plane, the higher the possibility of achieving a high score in the game which in turn means that the users can mint a new and better NFT. These new NFTs can be sold for a higher price in the marketplace. We strongly believe that this is a good working model to bring more users to play the game and make the NFT marketplace more active. The game is fun to play and users can earn just by playing the game. Moreover, the NFTs generated are completely random and are generated during run-time.

Challenges we ran into

  • We as a team were not very experienced in game development, and it took us a lot of time to figure out many basic things in Phaser.js.
  • Furthermore, randomizing the image/character for the NFT was a hurdle. We overcame it by building a custom API. We used image blending of different components to create a random NFT image.
  • Getting the IPFS hash into the smart contract using chainlink was a toiling assignment. We overcame it by creating 2 different endpoints in the Custom API which split up the IPFS Hash into 2 parts. From the smart contract, we made 2 API calls to fetch the IPFS Hash as only 32 bytes of data can be retrieved using Chainlink Oracles for a single GET request whereas the IPFS base32 hash had 59 characters.
  • Rate limiting of public IPFS gateways also caused us a lot of confusion.
