To automate the placement enrollment process in online by reducing manual works in data collection and data entry and help students to get placed.
To resolve queries and provide information regarding placement using chatbot.
To excel in technical rounds ,mock test has been included.
Brief Description:
As of now, Every student has to manually submit their details and willingness letter to reside for a placement to the placement department.This might lead to a tedious work and to overcome this difficulty we have come up with a solution. The placement portal system is developed in an attempt to take a record of company recruitment and student detail. The system provides the facility of viewing the academic details of students who already enrolled themselves it also provides opportunities to other students to sign up , asks for their willingness for attending the particular company’s campus interview and list outs the eligible details.The system has been improvised with Artificial Intelligence(AI) chatbot with web speech so that student can get some references and information about the companies from chatbot conveniently.Thus with the Web Speech API, we can develop rich web applications with natural user interactions and minimal visual interface, using voice commands.This enables countless use cases for richer web applications.This placement portal system has additionally been planned with mock tests which will be helpful for an student to get ready more for the meeting fitness and specialized rounds.The admin of this portal posts the company details and information which can be viewed by the student in placement cell homepage. Once a student accepts the post posted by admin, automatically the student is added to the eligible and willingness list. The interview experience of every applicant is recorded and published in the portal which can be viewed by everyone.
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