Online Exam monitoring system

The objective of the Online Examination Tool is to provide better information for the users of this system for better results for their maintenance in student examination schedule details.

The problem Online Exam monitoring system solves


Challenges we ran into

During this, pandemic one of the major things that was affected was education, especially the
examinations of students. Although some institutions have made attempts to conduct exams online a lot of
malpractices have been occurring in an attempt to reduce the malpractices in the online exam, we have
created an app to monitor the online exam.
This application is used to conduct online examinations. The students can sit at individual terminals and log in to write the exam in the given duration. . The questions have to be given to the students. This application will perform correction, display the result immediately and also store it in the database. This application provides the administrator with a facility to add new exams. This application provides the Instructor to add questions to the exam, modify questions in the exam in a particular exam. This application takes care of the authentication of the administrator, Instructor as well as student.
