Personal Identity NFTs



Personal Identity NFTs

The problem PIN solves

Personal Identity NFTs address problems of insecure identity verification, data privacy concerns, difficulty in credentials verification, lack of digital trust, forgery and tampering risks, lack of ownership and control over personal data, and interoperability issues in identity verification processes.
The concept of Personal Identity NFTs solves the problems of secure identity verification, data privacy, fraud prevention, credentials verification, digital trust, decentralization, and interoperability.

Challenges I ran into

I ran into challenges like Integration to my backend
and then the challenge which i faced more difficult was minting more than one NFTs and I am still trying to figure out how to overcome this challenge

Tracks Applied (2)

Quine Hackathon Track

Personal Identity NFT project has been successfully deployed on the Quine platform, further demonstrating its alignment ...Read More


5ire Hackathon Track

Personal Identity NFT project has been successfully deployed on the 5IREChain, aligning with the 5IRE Hackathon track. I...Read More

