
It's time we live again!

The problem Phoenix solves

All Non Communicable Diseases(NCD) are chronic and create great impact once afflicted. Unlike diabetes and hypertension which has high awareness of the medication and treatment protocol, other NCD’s create great panic and fear for the afflicted person (patient) and their family members at the first diagnosis. This is followed by the immediate treatment that might sometimes be a life saving treatment protocol which the specialist doctor prescribes and the patient accepts it because he is not given any choice. The first six months flies away and the patient tries to lead a normal life. At this point of time it is necessary for each patient to be provided with awareness of the type of NCD that he has undergone, the precautions that he has to take to avoid recurrence and the regular checkups he has to do inorder to improve his quality of life. In this busy schedule the specialist doctor have limited time to have a detailed session with the patient and to keep track on the changes in symptoms

Chronic diseases need long term intake of allopathy medicines which are prone to long term side effects. Thereby patients tend to seek alternate medicines and get disconnected from the allopathic doctor and treatment. They go on a trial basis jumping from one type to another. Keeping track of all these instances becomes difficult.

Phoenix is designed to benefit the patient and ensure that they have a complete and healthy recovery not just physically but mentally as well.

Challenges we ran into

Getting desired team members was initially difficult. Most of them were in the second level of startups where they want team members just for the sake of minimum requirement satisfaction. So in the first week it was getting in and coming out of various teams. Finally, we were happy with the two members team.

For the initial skeleton of our product we thought it would have been enriching if there was a doctor in our team for discussions on giving generalized service or specialised service in our product. We reached out to some of them but they have already joined in a hackathon and are not interested in ideathon. We were also looking for a financial background person to give us a better lead on scaling up and to come up with the numbers. The hunt was not fruitful. Finally, we both managed to fill that gap by having multiple detailed discussions, sharing our personal experiences and referring relevant materials from the internet. The mentoring session also proved to be very helpful in terms of developing our idea into a business model.

For Phoenix to be up and running, we first need wide adoption of Personal Health Record (PHR). That is one constraint that we might face when we actually start building it. To bridge that gap we would expect the users to share their full medical history on need basis.

Validation of medical staff and doctors from AYUSH who would be onboard, to design care plans for patients connected with Phoenix. We are aware of this and might be open to valid changes in order to take this into the next level.

Lastly ideathon was a great opportunity to work on the ideas that we wanted to solve based on our personal experiences. Which goes well with the saying “Need is the mother of invention”.

Technologies used
