Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management System

We have made a Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management System that gets data from sensors like temperature/humidity sensor, and then sends this data to the ethereum blockchain.

Created on 16th April 2023


Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management System

We have made a Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management System that gets data from sensors like temperature/humidity sensor, and then sends this data to the ethereum blockchain.

The problem Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management System solves

This system solves the problem of pharmaceutical supply chain. The data is securely stored in the ethereum blockchain. Users can also view their data in real time on the frontend. we built smart contract that automatically excutes payments,asset transfers and more. this we did with help of ether which is javascript library interacting with smart contracts which is typiclly deployed. It provides a range of functionalities for developers,including transaction mangement. alo we used solidity in backend hardhat config
The Solidity smart contract is called Supplychain and it contains a few different structs that define different types of data structures. The first struct is called Product and it contains information about a particular product such as its ID, name, price, description, required temperature, manufacturing information, and a timestamp. The second struct is called Status and it contains information about the current status of a product such as its location, timestamp, temperature, humidity, heat index, worker ID, product ID, total quantity, weight, waste product, and a flag to indicate if it is still active. The third struct is called Worker and it contains information about a worker such as their name, ID, and timestamp. Finally, the Data struct contains temperature, humidity, heat index, and product ID.we also used cli using genasche

Challenges we ran into



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