Phanes India

No pain No sorrows and No more deaths the project aims to make quality healthcare facility accessible to all without much financial burden


Phanes India

No pain No sorrows and No more deaths the project aims to make quality healthcare facility accessible to all without much financial burden

The problem Phanes India solves

use of the project-
1- real time chat between doctor and patient
2-patient can book appointment by filling up the google form
3-patient can access the google maps for real time monitoring of nearest hospitals etc
4-patient can contact us via whatsapp,email .
5-website also contain some education videos about covid etc.

how it makes task easier-
the website reduces the time of travel,cost of travel and enegry wastage as the pateint can use this medium to contact to best doctors at very minimal or even free and could chat privately and share their medical reports etc.
this will reduce the crowding of hostpitals with pateints of minor illness and so serious issues could be dealt with efficiently and doctors could be available almost all time as their job will be remote in nature.

Challenges we ran into

this is my very first project so handling and merging backend was very tricky
i made chat app similar to whatsapp but it didn't ran properly.especially the nodemon it didn't ran so i need to change the setting from my command prompt and ran it again this time it ran but it didn't updated the realtime fuctionality so i took help from the friend and he made corrections to my code base.
further the mearge of login system which is still challenge and i am trying to figure it out .
also it was quite hard to study backend for first time as various new syntax were there which was tough to memorize and apply without prior knowledge.
