Penny Wise

Penny Wise

learning finance management using 70-20-1 percent rule

The problem Penny Wise solves

The app works as a Financial coach for students to keep track of their budget and expenditure, and At the same time, it acts as a tool to learn how to invest for future reference. We aim to follow the 70-20-10 principle of budgeting, which involves limiting your spending to 70 per cent of the total budget, saving 20 per cent for future needs, investing and the rest 10 per cent. The basic functionality of the pages is as follows:
-Home Page: 3 buttons (Wallet, Savings, Investing) which redirect to their respective pages.
-My Wallet:functionality of adding money to wallet and also keeping track of the expenses
-Savings: reflects the amount you have saved till now and lists the goals you wish to fulfil
-Investments: a place to learn while playing around with the stock market simulator, knowing th trends and act accordingly for
investing the the stock market

Challenges we ran into

we faced a lot of challenges while building this
1)since we were all beginners, it took a lot of time to figure out how to navigate between pages but eventually searched things up on google and found way
2)we wanted to integrate an api to make a playground for stock market but still facing issue in retrieving info using python but showing in dart.

Tracks Applied (1)

Fampay Track 2

Financial literacy is the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including personal financi...Read More


Technologies used
