SDG 1- no poverty
One of the major reasons for poverty in India is not getting jobs according to the skill set, specially among lower income groups. All the job providing apps and websites look for certain education qualifications, that lot of lower income group people are not able to qualify. But this does not mean they do not have skills instead they do not have a platform that supports their skill set and increase their reach so that their work can be recognized and they can get more work. This includes workers working on per day wages, tailors or women who knows designing and sewing, painters, salons, etc, all these people have skills but their reach is limited because of which their earning is low. For eg, if I ask u how many tailors or workers who do construction work or plumbers or salons do you know those are their in your own locality ? Do you know all of them? or do you know where you can get best deal? Answer for most of these is no .So, providing them with a platform where the people can get their work and themselves recognized. Our website Pehchan is one of the solution for this problem
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