Created on 26th February 2023
As we know that Content creation has taken a big hit nowadays and has become a source of living for many people, we have built a decentralized video streaming platform for creators and users using blockchain in Web3 - PeerPlay. In Web2 video platforms like Youtube, the platform charges are very high rates which decreases the amount of money the creators make and they have full rights for creator's content and they can remove from their database as they want making them vulnarable. In Peerplay creators can upload their content and the viewers can tip them as much as they want throught wallets like MetaMask , 5ireChain, etc. The platform will charge a very nominal fee ensuring not only more income for content creation as soon as they start creating content, but also securing that asset. The creators will have full rights of their content, but their is no chance of plagarism as we are using the IPFS protocol to store CID(content identifier) using unique hashes.
We used frameworks like Next.js Chakra UI which we were not proficient in, but only familiar. So we had to refer to a lot of Documentation. We Are from web2 background and we are only exploring Web3 so, Writing such big smart contracts, Creating and deploying subgraphs over the Graph Protocol was a big challenge.
We had to go through a lot of Documentation and a lot of help and guide from our mentors and putting in the hours and sleepless night.
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