move to web2 to web3 payment without problem



move to web2 to web3 payment without problem

The problem PeerPAY solves

It solve the gap between web2 and web3 technology . help developer to make fast and easy payment option for renting .

Challenges I ran into

we are having problem in deployment so you can try it localy :-

Understanding Storybook: Storybook is a powerful tool for developing UI components in isolation. It allows you to build, test, and showcase your components independently of your main application. To understand Storybook better, explore its documentation, tutorials, and example projects. Gain knowledge about its core concepts, such as stories, addons, and configuration files.

Setting up Storybook: To create your npm package, you'll need to set up Storybook within your project. This process might involve configuring Storybook with various tools, frameworks, and libraries you intend to use. Follow the Storybook documentation's installation guide and pay attention to any specific instructions related to your project's stack.

Building Stories: In Storybook, stories represent different states or variations of your components. As you develop your npm package, create stories to showcase your components in various scenarios. Experiment with different props, data, and interactions to demonstrate the flexibility and versatility of your package. This process will also help you identify any issues or bugs in your components.
