Peer learning portal.

basically a peer learning platform where student can meet and clear their doubts among themselves which is for their better and in motivation of receiving an incentive from institute.

The problem Peer learning portal. solves

Considering the example of a college/Institute in college/Institute we attend lecture at the lecture hall and afterwards once classes got over we move to our hostel room while studying in hostel if any doubt arises or we find difficulty in understanding particular concept that we take assist of our friends for understanding/resolving the same which we call as peer learning. Learning which accomplishes with the help of peers and in one and other way we must feel that peer learning plays a crucial role in college life some even feel it more important than faculty lecture as and some even feel that learning from peer helps to understand things in a better way but this peer learning activity has been demolished due to pandemic

Development of peer learning portal a portal where students can register themselves and follow a particular protocol for the functioning of peer learning portal.

What peer learning portal will do:

  1. Students can register themselves at this portal and specify a time where they may remain free for doubt clearance and also
    the concept in which they have a better grip .

  2. Student with doubt may take an appointment with his peer(Another student) for understanding a particular concept.

  3. Once the student who asked doubt understands the doubt/concept (from the one from whom he had taken an appointment)
    he will be having a facility to rate that particular student ( this rating will not be visible to the student who is getting rated so as to maintain opinion privacy).

  4. As in this concept a satisfactorily doubt clearance result in better rating so After a fixed amount of time this data regarding student rating can be passed to institute as this rating data will speak the student’s grip on particular concept.which institute can take into account and provide certain incentives to those students with better rating.

  5. For explaining doubt a video conferring can be set up.

  6. This idea is decentralized with no central authority.

Challenges I ran into

Challenges may faced:

  1. All student may not have better understanding of a particular concept in which they can collaborately request faculty for explaination over this platform.

  2. Incentive may not be provided by institute .

  3. Some student may not take for portal for it's genuine use.
