

PeacePulse is a wellness website aimed at promoting mental health and well-being. It features a chatbot named "Peace" to provide users with a supportive conversation partner and a therapies section.

The problem PeacePulse solves

In today's fast-paced and often stressful world, maintaining good mental health is crucial. However, accessing mental health resources and support can be challenging for many individuals. PeacePulse aims to bridge this gap by providing a convenient platform where users can find support and guidance for their mental well-being.

-Stigma Surrounding Mental Health
Stigma is a significant barrier preventing individuals from seeking mental health support. Some may feel ashamed or embarrassed to talk about their feelings or struggles with others. PeacePulse offers a non-judgmental and anonymous space through its chatbot feature. Users can express their emotions, discuss their mental health challenges, and receive guidance without fear of judgment. By normalizing conversations around mental health, PeacePulse encourages users to prioritize their well-being.

-Limited Awareness of Self-Care Techniques
Many people may not be aware of effective self-care techniques and therapeutic exercises they can incorporate into their daily routines. The Therapies section of PeacePulse addresses this by providing a curated collection of resources. Users can explore various methods to manage stress, anxiety, and improve their mental well-being. These resources empower individuals to take proactive steps towards self-improvement and better mental health.

-Remote Living and Isolation
The rise of remote work and social distancing measures has led to increased feelings of isolation and loneliness for many. PeacePulse offers a virtual companion in the form of the "Peace" chatbot. Users can engage in meaningful conversations, receive emotional support, and combat feelings of loneliness. This virtual connection helps users feel more connected and less isolated, promoting a sense of belonging and well-being.

-The Need for Educational Resources
Users can learn about mindfulness, coping mechanisms, and strategies for maintaining mental wellness and can increase awareness and knowledge.

Challenges we ran into

-Integration of Chatbot: One of the main challenges we encountered was integrating the "Peace" chatbot seamlessly into the website. Ensuring smooth conversation flows, handling various user inputs, and maintaining a friendly user experience were all aspects that required careful consideration.

-Testing and Bug Fixing: As with any web project, testing across various browsers and devices revealed unexpected issues. Identifying and fixing bugs to ensure a smooth user experience required thorough testing and attention to detail.

-Limited Technology Stack: Working with a limited technology stack of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript meant we had to find creative solutions for certain functionalities. While this stack offers simplicity, it also posed limitations when implementing more complex features.

-Deployment and Hosting: Setting up a reliable hosting environment and deploying the website securely was a challenge. Ensuring the chatbot and therapeutic resources functioned correctly in the live environment required careful testing and configuration.

Despite these challenges, the team persevered, learned valuable lessons, and successfully created PeacePulse—a platform dedicated to promoting mental well-being and providing support to users.

Technologies used
