Created on 26th May 2020
This software was developed for a company(PrayashYarns) which was having trouble keeping a record of the attendance and wages to be paid. Earlier it was done manually in an excel which was time taking and troublesome. This website has helped the company save a lot of time and has made the process hasslefree.
It also takes other aspects such as ESI or EPF deductions and produces a final result. The record is mailed everyday automatically to the admin( NPM package is used - Cron jobs).
As this was the first project it was difficult integrating new npm packages. Any syntax error took a long time to debug as the code reached thousands of lines till the end. The wages were to be paid every 15 days, so it took some time for me to think about how to reset the data after every 15 days.
The excel file which was automatically being sent through mail was coming out to be corrupt. It took quite some thinking to resolve this issue.