We all know how even now there is no mass adoption of web3. People are not able to evolve from web2 to web3. Because almost everything that we do in web3 space results in a Transaction state update and it eventually gonna costs you some Gas Fees. So what can we do??
There is a psychological impact on people that money has created. People want to pay as less as possible for any kind of work to get done and web2 space has almost successfully done that. People can download the search engine and access the internet and at the same, they can't download a simple wallet and get access to the web3 space.
The major problem is the gas fees. So we are providing a one-time pay solution that includes a subscription Model built on top of gas fees. You know same as we do the wifi recharge and access the internet.
It would lead to a free-flow transaction experience where the user doesn't even experience his/her money has been spent. And it would lead to creating a psychological impact on the brain of users. The same Uber did with their users, they integrated the credit card system on their application such that people don't even have to touch their wallet and give someone money.
Advantages we are providing:
We are saying users have to pay less than the average gas spent for the subscription model they opted for. Let's say for one monthly subscription user has to pay 70% of the average gas fees spent by users for one month. And if the user spends less than the given say 40% then the platform will be viable to refund the rest of his money. So it's a huge advantage for users to pay less and access more.
Dapp developers have been provided leverage to integrate our model onto their Dapplications. So it ables Dapp developers to let the user on their platform spend money in form of their native tokens. Which will definitely help in their tokenomics.
Our Revenue Model is such that even after providing such high leverage we are the side on advantage.
The first and foremost is that we are playing with Gas. On top of that, we are saying that we are providing incentives for both the users and the Dapp Developers, How much of a revenue model can be good enough to accommodate that change? Well, it should be the best. And we think we did good with that.
The other one is the development side effects. We ran into many problems with Relays and Gas Stations Networks.
Solving the people's major issue right now and it's being the obstacle for the mass adoption of web3 i.e gas.
Creating a smooth free -flow experience like web2.
Tracks Applied (3)
Router Protocol
Ethereum Foundation