In the era of Digital India, It’s high time to get our Important Documents Digitized Securely. Pass-Sec takes care of all this. Although Pass-Sec solves a number of Problems here are a few of them.
Not only this, but Pass-Sec can also be molded into a lot more. Here are some examples :
We have a complete Wiki for you. Use the below mentioned Link & Do check it out:
Pass-Sec Wiki
Email Address: [email protected]
Password: delhipolice
Here is the Link to APK File :APK File
Pass sec is all about an E-PASS by which a user can have all the documents in his phone virtually. He doesn’t need to worry to carry his documents.
The Major Problem we were facing was in doing this thing because all the documents of the user need to be Safe and Secure and no other person can access them. After trying many ways we found a perfect way to do it.
We have implemented a QR Code using Firebase Storage, Firebase Authentication and Firestore. Firebase Implements GCP security principles to keep data safe so we don't need to worry about Data Security anymore. Other than this All necessary Firebase Rules were also defined so that there is no Insecure Direct Object Reference.
A user has a unique QR Code with him and with that QR Code, all his documents will be associated.
Another challenge was to keep Data based on the User Region so that No Police of different can access the Data of users just by Scanning any user's QR Code. This was a difficult task using Region as a Key made our way.
Technologies used