
I don't need easy. I just need possible.

The problem Parmarth solves

Less than 10% of the people with disabilities in our country have some kind of jobs and if we remove the public sector from this the numbers are just too less. The portion of people with disabilities working in the corporate sector is near to nil. There is a lot to difficulty to find good and legitimate jobs. Their are government portals that don't work properly. Even people who are employable have difficulties finding jobs.

Parmarth aims to provide employment opportunities for people with different types of disabilities. Society has had a reluctance towards people with disabilities and has had reservations about them becoming self-sufficient parts of the community; this is what we aim to tackle with our project.

We intend to support people with disabilities by giving them opportunities rather than sympathy. We have incorporated various facets in our project that cater to a large section of disabled people, which includes the visually impaired, people with autism, disabled people, dumb and deaf.

Challenges we ran into

Ideation - The challenges in the ideation were to think of features that would cater to a wide range of audience that is disabled as the portal doesn't just target any one sect. It was ideated in such a way that it caters to visually impaired, dumb and deaf, people with autism, and many others.

Design - Challenges include making the user flow smooth and easy so that anyone can access. CIt was a challenge to design the color palette in such an manner that even partial blind and color blind people can also distinguish between the elements.

Development - This included backend and frontend integration challenges, implementing the interactive design, implementing and integrating the chatbot.
