

Detects empty or occupied parking spaces.

Created on 3rd January 2023



Detects empty or occupied parking spaces.

The problem ParkingSpaceDetectorr solves

ParkingSpaceDetectorr detects empty or occupied parking spaces in a parking area. We can implement this project in a parking space having a fixed CCTV camera. We will first manually mark all the parking spaces then on running it will automatically start detecting empty or occupied parking spaces. We are manually selecting parking spaces first to avoid any type of error.

Challenges I ran into

Major challenge I faced is that I couldn't get a live CCTV footage for my project so i downloaded a video from the internet and used it. Further I had to download PyCharm Community Edition 2022.3.1 for my project because after writing the code I found that my code isn't working on any of the code editors I was using.


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