PAPBot by PAPDevs



PAPBot by PAPDevs


The problem PAPBot by PAPDevs solves

Ever since online education came into play, Discord became a very important part of our lives for interaction with our friends.
Users can use this discord bot for a variety of purposes,

  1. It allows users to calculate, store, read, update and see how far they are from their target GPAs.
  2. It helps users to keep a track of their deadlines and things to do, it has a working To-Do list feature and a deadline management feature.
  3. It also comprises of a Pomodoro timer, which will help you schedule study and break periods.
  4. It comes with two very basic, but interesting games (TicTacToe and Snakes & Ladders) to freshen up your mind. It also has 8Ball and Truth & Dare for your entertainment.

Challenges we ran into

We were very new to Bot Development using Python, and we had to learn a lot of concepts by googling and pick up codes from different sources. We faced a lot of Syntax Errors, we were also facing a lot of problems in installation of libraries due to their different compatibilities with different versions of Python. It was also very mentally and physically straining as it was a short duration event. Integration of codes of different members was a tedious task. Inspite of all these challenges, this was a very good learning experiences as we learnt the tech stack and it's implementation in a short period of time at an exponential level.
