Hi everyone we are team ardents
Our Project name is Panacea, a cure to dysgraphia. we have built an android application for people suffering from learning disability of dysgraphia.
Dysgraphia means impaired in letter writing skills
dysgraphia is a learning disability that affects writing, dysgraphia makes the act of writing difficult. People with dysgraphia can have trouble forming and organizing letters, numbers, symbols, words.
we are focussing on the mixed and semantic type of dysgraphia
mixed dysgraphia refers to letter, number, symbol formation and also includes spelling tasks. In sematic dysgraphia students have difficulty in words formation.
Till now we have worked on the symbol formation, letter formation and number formation and have covered handwriting tracing issues, structure formation from basic to high level people with dysgraphia can practice as many times as they want to till the time they get a good grasp of the symbols letter or number formation. we also aim to make this app multilingual so that this can be used widely in many countries. We also aim to include hindi varn mala and so many things.
It was fun building the app but as we know their are always some hurdles but we overcame them and completed our app in time.
Some of the major hurdles were -
Technologies used