Created on 12th February 2023
We have built this app keeping in mind the problems we faced when we stepped out of our homes and were suddenly thrust into adulting - managing bills and who knew groceries cost that much. So, to tackle these problems we focussed on an interface which would help you to keep track of your spending thus keeping you accountable. We also attempted to simplify investing for our user base, since learning to invest when your mistakes aren't going to be very costly is crucial for a good grasp on building your finances in the future.
We worked on the project by dividing the work into two parts as well as our team. In each group, one of the members learnt the tech from scratch that is, flutter and machine learning respectively. The team that worked on the stock prediction model could not get access to an API that provided real time data of the stock. Furthermore, the first model we trained was using news headlines relating to stock which is a biased source for obtaining data. We fixed this by using the Moneycontroll api for getting the data of the stocks.
The team which was working with flutter faced difficulty in managing the state of the app which was solved by using provider package to manage the state. The second issue was retrieving data without using a backend application. This was resolved by using local storage where the objects of the items were converted to json and stored in local storage as string. While retriving the data the string was decoded and the object of items were obtained.
Technologies used