

Monetize Your Expertise Seamlessly with Web3

Built at ETHIndia 2023

The problem PageForge solves

  1. Seamless Monetization Integration:
  • Challenge: Existing platforms often impose high fees, hindering creators' earnings potential.
  • Pageforge Solution: Pageforge eliminates or significantly reduces fees, empowering creators to maximize their financial rewards while monetizing their content seamlessly.
  1. Unified Web3 and Web2 Experience:

    • Challenge: Integration gaps between web3 and web2 make it challenging for creators to connect with their audience across platforms.
    • Pageforge Solution: Pageforge provides a unified platform, seamlessly integrating web3 and web2 social connections. Creators can now maintain a connected experience without the need to start anew on different platforms.
  2. Transparent and Cost-Effective Transactions:

    • Challenge: High transaction costs associated with traditional payment methods impact the profitability of content sales.
    • Pageforge Solution: Smart contracts deployed on efficient L1/L2 networks reduce transaction costs, ensuring a transparent and cost-effective payment process for both creators and consumers.
  3. Self-Governing Systems for Content Management:

    • Challenge: Lack of self-governing systems and reliance on centralized management restrict creators' control over their content and earnings.
    • Pageforge Solution: Pageforge introduces smart contracts, providing creators with a self-governing infrastructure. This enhances transparency, trust, and control over content and earnings.
  4. Innovative Reputation Scoring:

    • Challenge: Creators often struggle to establish credibility and trust, impacting their ability to attract and retain an audience.
    • Pageforge Solution: Pageforge's Reputation Scoring, derived from reputable sources like Airstack and Next.ID, enhances creators' credibility. This dynamic metric fosters trust, encourages audience engagement, and opens up collaboration opportunities.

Challenges I ran into

To Deploying contract with custom data with using compiled Metadata .

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