PadhaEEE - ( the study room )

Nowadays, in the situation of the pandemic, the app would help teachers to conduct classes online, and assess the student's grade by providing them questions while the online session is going on.


PadhaEEE - ( the study room )

Nowadays, in the situation of the pandemic, the app would help teachers to conduct classes online, and assess the student's grade by providing them questions while the online session is going on.

The problem PadhaEEE - ( the study room ) solves

Now-days, in the situation of pandemic , there has been an immense need of the online classes for students of any age and teachers are conducting classes on online portals for video conferencing.
The application build here solves the problems and creates a study room for the students and teachers, where teachers lets the students in to the specified study room and our main focuses was integrating quiz assessment within the application of study room where teacher can conduct the quiz or can ask students to actively participate in the online class , just as any other offline class.

As a result of so many online classes students have lost the impact of the feeling of the traditional system and do not really involve in the class. Reports have been found out that many students keep online, and turn off the video and leave the class. This would create a serious problem and our application sorts out the same problem, if teacher is continuously asking questions or putting quiz students will do find the online study rooms quite interesting. Moreover this keeps a virtual interaction with the teachers and pupils just like any other school / college day.

Having an online quiz portal during the class would definitely make a increase in the number of active students participations .

As of the pandemic situation many of the students do not have a proper system or laptop to join meetings
The prototype build over here , runs on android , iOS and web as well . So it can help a lot of students, and the application can run on cross-platform devices as well.

This solves a huge problem and students don’t find the lectures boring as well as students participate in the online sessions quite actively .

Hope the prototype sorts out a real scenario of the education domain.

Challenges I ran into

Started off as a single unified team member, so faced problems while integrating the third party application
Agora.io which gives a room for the video call. Working on videography API was quite tough for me as a
singleton participation as I am very well versed with product design and product prototype and the concepts of
Wire-framing. Bringing flutter was the initial choice to develop a cross-mobile application ( so that it can work on
Android devices, ioS devices or Web Servers. Made the product design part quite strong and the rest of the application
took a lot of help from various open-source code platforms such as the documentation from flutter docs, open-source code from GitHub and stack-overflow. Also took the help of some online tutorials to learn the concepts of API etc. the process of learning, I took it as a challenge and completed an overview of how the product should look like
Developed a basic prototype to help the students in the pandemic.
