Own Your Tune

Own Your Tune

Empowering Artists, Celebrating Music: Own Your Tune

The problem Own Your Tune solves

The problem that "Own Your Tune" solves in the music industry is the disempowerment and inequity that many artists face when it comes to their creative work. This includes:

  1. Fair Compensation: Ensuring artists receive a fair share of revenue without middlemen taking substantial cuts.

  2. Transparency: Offering transparent royalty payments to prevent underpayment and ensure proper recognition for artists.

  3. Ownership Control: Empowering artists to make decisions about their music's use, licensing, and sale.

  4. Direct Interaction: Fostering meaningful connections between artists and their fans for a stronger, loyal following.

  5. Licensing Flexibility: Allowing artists to negotiate their own terms and agreements for more flexibility.

  6. Secondary Revenue: Creating opportunities for artists to benefit from the resale of music assets in a secondary market.

  7. Community Engagement: Assisting artists in building and engaging with a supportive fan community, involving them in decision-making and providing unique experiences and collectibles.

Challenges we ran into

It was a difficult process to deploy the contract to XDC Network and issues with Wanchain RPC
