Our system gives us the surety that a particular student can mark his/her attendance only once.
Hostel Attendance Management system reduces the manual workload of the Administrative staff.
It also caters to the fact that there is no physical contact with the system involved in marking the attendance which is a huge boon during a pandemic situation like Corona.
It is less time-consuming. Our system uses Computer Vision which helps in storing the students' facial features in the database which can be used for authentication purposes. The system has in-built features where the attendance can be marked manually by the hostel authority if the student can't report physically due to health issues etc.
Integrating OpenCV with Django framework
Showing live webcam video using Django and OpenCV
Customizing the Django Administration
show live cam - https://www.codershubb.com/live-video-streaming-app-in-django/
customize - https://realpython.com/customize-django-admin-python/
Technologies used