Orionis on Ethereum

Bridging crypto to the masses

The problem Orionis on Ethereum solves

The percentage of people who use crypto for their daily transactions is less than 5% because of the complexities it involves to do a transaction. Orionis Network makes it easy for newcomers to join the crypto revolution by introducing a suite of solutions, one of them being having a coin pegged to INR (Indian Rupee). We are introducing coins native to Orionis Blockchain on Ethereum as ERC-1155 standard tokens. In future, a pegzone will be introduced which will facilitates the movement of our asset from Ethereum blockchain to our native Orionis blockchain.

Challenges we ran into

We ran into many challenges, one of them being maintaining the peg and also the ability to mint tokens without a central authority. Currently the way we are trying to avoid having a central minter is that we will be making use of an oracle which will confirm whether a user has payed amount in fiat or not. And will bring that data on-chain. Based on the result, the tokens will be minted automatically.

Technologies used
