OrganEase: The Organ Transfer Portal

OrganEase: The Organ Transfer Portal

An Organ Transfer Portal between Hospitals and Organ Procurement Centres. Includes features like auto status change(of organ) when it expires, etc.

Created on 16th April 2023

OrganEase: The Organ Transfer Portal

OrganEase: The Organ Transfer Portal

An Organ Transfer Portal between Hospitals and Organ Procurement Centres. Includes features like auto status change(of organ) when it expires, etc.

The problem OrganEase: The Organ Transfer Portal solves

As organs are needed ASAP for operations, time is the most crucial aspect. However, the existing method to request organs from procurement centre/ transplant centres is completely manual (manual data entry, manual communication via faxes, mails, phone calls) and thus is obviously error prone and time consuming. Therefore to solve this grave issue, 'OrganEase' is proposed. The website makes the tedious manual task of categorizing different organs and making entries for each, mere clicks away. In a particular region, say n number of procurement centres and/or transplant centres exist. All of them can display the organs stored in their hypothermic storages along with their details at one time (this completely solvesthe time-consuming problem of individually calling of procurement centres one by one which is done presently). Hospitals can request organs of suitable compatibility (Blood Group, etc) via the portal itself and make a payment which serves as a token of confirmation for the transfer procedure. Thereafter, the procurement confirms the request from their side. As organ transfer it a very delicate process, incase any unforeseen circumstance occurs there is a feature of manual override in which the status of organ can be changed. As no such project exists we believe OrganEase has the potential to save lives.

Challenges we ran into

We were quite flabbergasted about how to include a expiration time for organs, whether to add already set timers based on categories of organs (heart, liver, lungs, etc). But the solution came to our mind that we should add remaining time window while adding organs (As time can pass while making entries, the passed time can be accounted for and custom time can be set by the procurement centre staff thus facilitating the time saving premise of our project successfully)


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