Created on 2nd December 2024
Built a decentralized oracle system that bridges YouTube analytics with blockchain transparency through AI. Perfect fit for FanTV's oracle challenge as it's already solving their exact requirements.
Users submit YouTube URLs through our dApp, triggering the oracle service to fetch video metadata via YouTube's API. This data is processed by GPT-3.5 to generate virality scores and content insights, which are then permanently stored on Base's blockchain. Creators can access these immutable predictions and track performance over time.
Built this because content creators need transparent, manipulation-proof analytics. The oracle provides exactly what FanTV seeks: decentralized content verification with AI-powered performance predictions.
The system is production-ready, scalable, and already serving real users on Base.
Chainlink Functions Incompatibility: Was initially planned to be implemented in the Chainlink Functions utilizing the DON system but it was running into trouble during OpenAI calls and Secrets storage
Only 1 cluster node is deployed due to the time constrain of the hackathon
Tracks Applied (3)
Technologies used