Since, the day Covid hit us and we were bound to confined amidst the walls of the houses, that day
mark the on set of the terrible emotional vulnerability among the people. No one to talk , no one to
see has sought an immense toll on emotional health and it hasn’t come to end but still perpetuating
in the most toxic way. Thus to ensure no one die emotionally every other day, we made OPEN YOUR
HEART for people to share their feelings without the fear of being judged. This website provides you
all with the platform to share your feelings and get the best possible reply to keep your spirit high.
This is our little effort to be fruitful to the society It may not be the best project but the thought
behind this was pure and totally for the social cause. What else is needed more than relieving
someone’s stress
Database and alignment of the post by the users, Deployment of site. We do have
a Go daddy hosting but no documentation on how to deploy it. Moreover, we were
not getting Nodejs in our cpane.
Technologies used