

OpenSauce revolutionizes open-source funding by transforming Git Orgs/Repos into tokenized DAOs, making every git contribution a liquid asset for sustainable growth.

Created on 15th April 2023



OpenSauce revolutionizes open-source funding by transforming Git Orgs/Repos into tokenized DAOs, making every git contribution a liquid asset for sustainable growth.

The problem OpenSauce solves

Our mission is to address the funding and sustainability challenges faced by open-source projects. By giving tools to create tokenized DAOs for Git Org/Repos, we enable a token-based incentive system that aligns the interests of maintainers, contributors, users, and investors. Ultimately, due to open market token dynamics, the stakeholders will stick to the ecosystem.

OpenSauce addresses some of the big problems in the open-source ecosystem:

  1. Funding Gap / Low Compensation: Most projects rely on donations, grants, or sponsorships for funding, which can be inconsistent and insufficient. Also, a 2020 study by Stack Overflow found that only 14.2% of respondents contributed to open-source software in the past year, and only 3.6% received compensation for their work. OpenSauce provides a tool to reward these developers -- with a token that is minted based on contributors' git commits.
  2. Unfair Distribution of Rewards: Maintainers always have the ultimate (and centralized) decision on how to distribute rewards (i.e., sponsor funding) to the git repo contributors. Frequently this distribution is unfair. Beside the recommendation system that analyzes the git repo history, DAO proposals for token distributions/mints make the process more fair and transparent.
  3. Developer Burnout: Open-source developers often work on projects in their spare time, which can lead to burnout and reduced project maintenance. Having a token as a reward, might gives more sense of "better use of their spare time".
  4. Limited Business Model Options: Most open-source projects struggle to find sustainable business models, with only a few managing to generate revenue through dual licensing, consulting, or support services. While OpenSauce doesn't provide a business model per se, it provides a tool to sustainably and fair reward people involved in the open source project.


Challenges we ran into

These are some of our challenges:

  • Dealing with GitHub API rate limits
  • Scaffold-ETH -> we were not enough familiar with it
  • How to prove, on-chain, that a GitHub User is eligible to claim tokens (i.e., "prove me on-chain that @gsmachado GitHub user belongs to you" -- in the end, this problem was solved with Chainlink oracles!
  • Integrating dev environment with Chainlink oracles 😅
  • How to come up with good git metrics when analyzing git repos
  • Integrating with Snapshot (for DAO decisions) -- this was not done, but we looked into it


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